Peace for your mind
We take care of your WordPress website so you can focus on your business.
Trusted by 300+ businesses
-What’s Included-

Better. Faster. Healthier. Websites.

24/7 Uptime Monitoring

Ensure your website is always online with our round-the-clock uptime monitoring, providing peace of mind for your online presence.

Daily Security Check

We prioritize your website’s safety with daily security checks, keeping threats at bay and safeguarding your valuable data.

Content Updates

Keep your site fresh and engaging with our expert content updates, enhancing user experience and boosting SEO rankings.

Speed Optimization

Accelerate your website’s performance with our speed optimization services, ensuring lightning-fast loading times for visitors.

Daily Cloud Backups

Protect your data with daily cloud backups, ensuring your website’s content and information are safe and easily recoverable.

ON-Demand Development

Need a new feature or customization? Our on-demand development services are here to bring your ideas to life promptly.
What our customers say

We collaborate, we think, and we create outside the box. We build digital products and brands.


“I was very impressed with Oxilios for WordPress Care service I received. You can put it this way “I sleep well at nights” and wake up and start my day without worrying about my broken site. Highly recommended”

Andy Swift
Trader, USA
“Peace of mind as they say it, is crucial for handling business. They take care of nitty gritty stuff for me I focus on quality and other things.”
Anita Ford
Blogger, UK
-What’s Included-

Choose the right plan for your needs

From small business to large companies we provide everything you need.



Whats included



Who's this package is for



Who's this package is for


Better. Faster. Healthier. Websites.